Ingredients For the Dessert 20 g Malted Milk Powder 85 g Unsalted Butter (Cubed) 1 Egg 170 g Milk Chocolate 85 g Caster Sugar 2 Eggs (Yolks) 85 g Dark Brown Sugar 3 g Sea Salt 113 g Water (Boiled) 100 g Plain Flour 140 g Dark Chocolate 20 g Cocoa Powder 55 g Olive Oil 1.5 tsp Vanilla Extract * Always check the ingredient labels for allgergen information Share this Recipe Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp
Malted Chocolate Brownies by Dan Serves 16 Total 25 minutes Oven Temp 175 °C - 25 minutes Difficulty Super Easy Chef Claire Saffitz Method In a large pan whisk the cocoa powder with the boiled water until smooth. Add the dark chocolate, butter and olive oil to the pan and heat gently until the chocolate and butter have melted and the mixture is smooth. Allow to cool until lukewarm. Whisk both the sugars into the mixture and then add the whole egg, egg yolks and vanilla extract and whisk vigorously until until the mixture is thick, smooth and glossy. Add the flour, malted milk powder and salt. Whisk slowly until combined and then whisk more vigorously (at least 45 seconds) until the batter is thick. Chop the milk chocolate and then fold into the mixture. Add the batter into a lined tin and bake for 25 minutes. Allow the brownies to cool in the tin for about 1 hour until no longer hot and then refrigerate (this results in a chewier texture) for another hour.